Friday, August 28, 2009

After the kids are tucked in ...

I get to watch all of my recorded shows.  Honestly, it's been a while since I really followed a show.  I usually catch whatever the kids are watching (Aiyanna's been hooked on the Food Network and Animal Planet lately).  

Surprisingly, James found this new series on HBO called Hung while channel surfing.  Now, we make sure the new Sunday episodes are recorded.  It's nice that there's something we can both watch together :) ... not to mention Ray Dreker is a hottie!  

Hung in a nutshell...

I am also hearing a lot about the True Blood series which I have yet to see.  There's only Season 2 episodes on HBO-on-Demand, so I am holding out until I can get Season 1.

Let me know if there are any other must-see TV that I'm missing!  I feel so out of touch since I hardly watch TV, listen to the radio, or read the paper.  Please fill me in ... don't let me enjoy this state of ignorant bliss ;) 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Hair Cut!!!

For Mrs. Yum Yum! It's funny how a "puppy cut" actually seems to melt the dog years away. We got Mrs. Yum Yum in 2002 (she's the same age as Jazzy) and Aiyanna got to name her.
It was either Mrs. Yum Yum or Fuzzy Gingersnap Cracker.

(grooming by Yuppie Puppie at Salt Lake Shopping Center)

Check out Aiyanna's new grill!
The tween has been begging for braces since the 2nd grade. When I say begging, I mean BEGGING! Every Christmas, birthday, special occasion, allowance payday = BRACES! So, she finally got them and she is thrilled! She even takes pictures with me now :)

And I know I may be late on this trend but I am loving plaid lately!
At first I thought I may be too round to wear anything patterned but I'm trying to get over it. Those who know me would be shocked to see me in something other than a black tee and jeans
... oh how I wish I were fashionable!

Yes, I do still love making jewelry!
But no, I haven't had time ... phooey!

I did manage to use these awesome pendant charms that J&J brought back from Cali. The star was a gift from cupcake Jamie :) and the two keys were just too cute not to get.
I love the layered look ... and I love baby rolo chain too!

These are the only kinds of projects I have been able to squeeze in lately. I did wire wrap the clasp and ring on... so that counts right ;) ?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dear Bloggie ...

Dear Bloggie,
I'm sorry I've been neglecting you yet again.
It's not you, it's me.
Not only has the misplaced camera battery charger put a strain on our relationship.
I have also met someone else.
Please forgive me and...
blame the
Banzai Roaring Rapids Water Park!

It's awesome to not have to spend a gazillion hours packing up for a beach trip.
(Although beach days are priceless!)
And like lil' Rayli says, "Heyyyyy guys! There's no sand in my booty, this thing is aweeesome!"
Gotta love kids.

It's also nice to see the "tween" out and playing with her younger sibs.
She's even smiling :) Yay!

Who said you can't swim on your front porch and have grilled hot dogs under the carport?
Nothing beats fun, sun, and a clean restroom nearby. Ha!

*side note: notice that orange & white motorcycle in the background. that's J's new baby (I've been replaced). Now he has two bikes ... but yet only one butt to ride them with.
I better not hear a peep about how many beads (or shoes) I have.
Not a single peep.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I've caught the YouTube bug again!
With all those clickable links, what's a girl to do???

... dream she could dance like this ...

... and sing like this ...

I could watch these videos for days!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Creative Chaos?

Maybe I like to call it that because it makes it sound purposeful.

But the truth is, nothing creative has been going on in my bead-room/office for a while. Sadly, the only thing I do when I come in this room is clean, work (on non-fun stuff), and occasionally cry.

So maybe by forcing myself to post "before" pictures, I will feel more inclined to get organized so I can happily post "after" pictures. I would also love to hear your tips on organization &/or de-cluttering. I have soooooo many beads, it's ridiculous!

*** WARNING: serious chaos pictured below (this chick needs help) ***

Okay, so I warned you. I will surely keep you updated on any progress I make. My goal is to get organized so the only thing I can think of when I'm in this room is ... making jewelry or just being creative.

... and since we are on the topic of posting scary pics ... here's one of James getting captured by Jason (from Friday the 13th) haa!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I ♥ Photo Booth

Ever since I bought our Mac, PhotoBooth has been a household favorite!

With the click of the mouse ... I can be "normal" Mommy ...

... or "take me to your leader, I come in peace" Mommy.

You know the kids have a blast and I've learned a lot about them through this process. For example, I didn't know Rayli was secretly an evil genius ...

... and that Jazzy was the "brains" behind her operation to take over the world!

Awesome :)